Thursday, October 8, 2015

Potential Research Topic (Cyber-bullying)


  Cyber-bullying is another research topic I am interested about. Many children are being bullied over the internet. Bullying is happening over the internet because the bully is to scared to say it to the targets face and they feel more powerful behind a computer screen. People think they can get away with bullying when it comes to the internet because you are seen as anonymous. The truth is that you are no anonymous the authorities can track down the computer where the cyber-bullying is happening and find the person behind the computer screen. It is unfair the children and teens are being bullied in school and on the internet where everyone can see it. Cyber-bullying needs to come to a stop.

Source Citation:  "Cyberbullying." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.


  This article is about how children and teens are being bullied through the internet it is called cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is when there is use of the internet, cell phones or any other type of electronic devices that are used to send around embarrassing or harmful information about a person. Some forms or types of cyber-bullying is sending texts, videos, or photos out of another person to hurt them. The internet has a way to find the difference between cyber-bullying and cyber-harassment. There are many different forms of cyber-bullying like sending out multiple e-mails to not be linked directly to the bullying, or  to send out threats, make sexual remarks and make a website to embarrass the victim even more.

Two Details:

  In the United States there is a large percent of children and teens being cyber-bullied. The children and teens would get e-mails or sent the website that was made to embarrass them.

  Research has found that teens who involve themselves with the internet like making blogs or creating Facebook and MySpace accounts that allows them to put their information up are more likely to become a victim of cyber-bullying.


  How is cyber-bullying being put to a stop?

  What is the percentage of teens being cyber-bullied in the United States?

A word I don't understand:  Pervasive

What is stopping you from understanding the word:  I never heard of this word.

Definition:  Spread throughout.

Question you can pose to peers in discussion:

What things would you do to try and prevent cyber-bullying?

1 comment:

  1. Christina, this is so excellent! You did the assignment precisely as I wanted it done. You put things in your own words and you wrote a paragraph about why you were interested in the topic. Truly excellent work. There are a few mistakes in your writing, so be more careful when you write. But still, excellent work!
